The Goal of this Blog

I have been inspired to try something new and take on a new challenge every month.  The goal is to spend an entire month doing something differently that I have in the past.  This can mean stopping something that I have been doing or starting something new.  The challenges can be mental, physical or creative.  I want to push myself to find out what I am capable of accomplishing and find new things that I may enjoy along the way!

The Rules:
The rules are pretty simple.  On the first of each month I will publish a blog post describing the challenge for that month.  This description will include the rules, possible failure conditions and any relevant state at the start of the challenge.  I will then post one update each week (unless the challenge says otherwise) detailing the progress that I have made through the challenge and how it's going overall.  On the last day of the month I will post a wrap-up where I talk about what I've learned from the past month and discuss whether the challenge may lead to permanent changes.