Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Elliptical Challenge

I am a Software Engineer and that is a pretty sedintary profession. I wake up and sit in the car as I drive to work. While I work I sit at a desk until it's time to sit in the war and drive home. When I get home I usually either sit and watch television or sit at my desk and tinker about on my computer. This has lead to some weight gain. Recently I have been trying to lose weight by counting calories and making an attempt to eat right but I have decided that I need to pair this with some physical activity so, for my first monthly challenge I will run on the Elliptical everyday. It has been some time since I have done this so I am hoping to start out at 20 minutes per day and work up from there.

  1. I must run on the Elliptical every day.*
  2. I must make make it a quality run, not just a bit to get it done.
  3. I will keep track of the times that I ran and the calories burned during each run.
  4. I will publish the above information in the weekly blog post along with any changes in weight.
Pertinent State:

I am 6'7" tall and at the beginning of this challenge I weigh 341.8 lbs.

* - For the purposes of this challenge a day will be defined as the time between when I wake up and when I go back to bed.

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